Welcome Carleton Class of 2028!


请参阅附于本页的pdf格式的详细说明 video tutorials that provide a general overview of these processes.

Please access the mySHAC patient portal (使用您的GG电子官方软件下载用户名和密码),并完成两项必填项 by July 1, 2024:

  1. Enter your Immunization Information AND upload your Immunization Record.
  2. Complete the online Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment Form.


All incoming Carleton students are REQUIRED to:

  • Submit a hard copy of your immunization records. This can be uploaded to your mySHAC patient portal. Please do not forget this important step.
  • 提交一剂脑膜炎球菌(Menactra)免疫接种日期, Menomune, Menveo, or other A,C,Y,W-135), either initial or booster, administered upon or after reaching age 16.
  • Submit dates of two (2) doses of immunization against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR or individual vaccines). Dose #1 given at age 12 months or later; Dose #2 given at least 28 days after first dose.
  • 提交破伤风和白喉(首选TDAP)免疫接种日期, Td Booster also acceptable) received on or after September 1, 2014.
  • Lastly, complete the online Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment form. If you answer “Yes” to any of the Risk Assessment questions, 然后,您需要与您的医疗保健提供者会面,并要求他们填写并签署 TB Clinical Documentation Form. 将此表格连同干扰素释放试验(IGRA)血液测试结果(recommended, especially for international students)或结核菌素皮肤试验(TST/PPD/Mantoux),以及胸部x光检查(如适用), performed after March 15, 2024.

After entering the above vaccination dates, 上传您的免疫记录副本(从您的医疗保健提供者处), school or similar) using the mySHAC patient portal.

Note: 如果您没有在线填写您的免疫信息和结核病风险评估表,或者如果您不符合所有要求的免疫接种, you will not be allowed to register for Winter Term classes. 根据个人情况,可能会有其他要求或建议.

Recommended Vaccines for 2024-2025

The COVID-19 vaccine is recommended, but is NOT required.

The seasonal influenza vaccine is recommended, but is NOT required.

流感疫苗和其他免疫接种在校园全年多次提供, beginning fall term. Check our immunization webpage for specific dates. 学生们还可以在诺斯菲尔德当地的药店和诊所接种疫苗.

About Meningococcal Vaccines:

  • Some meningococcal vaccines for adolescents are quadrivalent, designed to protect against four serogroups (A, C, W, and Y), while others help protect against one serogroup (B). 目前还没有脑膜炎球菌疫苗可以帮助预防引起大多数脑膜炎球菌病的所有常见血清群. Consistent with CDC recommendations, 我们需要为新生注射一剂四价脑膜炎疫苗.
  • B型脑膜炎是导致美国大学校园多次爆发脑膜炎的原因. S. in recent years. There are two Meningitis B vaccines available in the U.S.: Trumenba and Bexsero. 希望接种这种疫苗的学生和家庭应咨询他们的卫生保健提供者. 目前,我们不要求新生接种乙型脑膜炎疫苗.

Note to International Students:

  • 如果可能的话,在离开你的国家之前完成必要的免疫接种和结核病检测. 在美国,免疫和其他医疗可能更昂贵. The Carleton Student Injury & 疾病计划可能包括在某些情况下所需的免疫接种. However, 如果你需要做结核菌素皮肤试验(TST),将会有费用, PPD, or Mantoux), IGRA blood test or a chest x-ray in the United States.
  • 需要在抵达校园后接种疫苗的国际学生应在SHAC预约,以审查GG电子官方软件下载学生伤害提供的免疫接种范围 & Sickness Plan.
  • 来自结核病高发国家的所有学生(以及有卡介苗接种史的学生)如果没有进行IGRA血液检查,将被要求参加SHAC(基层)的结核病筛查预约, Davis Hall)–date to be determined. 不能参加的学生必须在抵达GG电子官方软件下载后两周内预约. During that session, 学生将与SHAC的医疗保健提供者之一讨论他们的风险因素,并将被要求进行IGRA测试. At this time the IGRA test is covered by Carleton’s Student Injury & Sickness Plan for International students only.
  • 来自不能提供IGRA血液测试的国家的学生仍然必须提交结核杆菌素皮肤测试(TST)结果的结核病临床文件表, PPD, or Mantoux) performed after March 15, 2024, 由于疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的建议.

Advisable: Upload a copy of your Insurance Card and verify local coverage

而您的保险卡不需要任何医疗或咨询访问SHAC, 如果你需要利用外部实验室服务或在校外寻求治疗,那么存档可能会很有用. Please upload an image of both the front AND back of your card.

Verify insurance coverage locally by calling your insurance company. 诺斯菲尔德的诊所包括艾琳娜和诺斯菲尔德医院和诊所. 我们在SHAC实验室工作使用的参考实验室是LabCorp(美国实验室公司)

Contact information:

Student Health and Counseling
Carleton College
One North College Street
Northfield, MN 55057

(507) 222-4080
(507) 222-5038 [FAX]

Secure Messaging System:

Since e-mail is not a secure medium, SHAC使用一个受保护的电子邮件系统,供学生与SHAC的医疗和咨询人员保密沟通. To access this system, visit the mySHAC patient portal and log in using your Carleton Username and Password.

When you receive a secure message from SHAC staff, 您的GG电子官方软件下载电子邮件帐户中会出现一条通知,将您引导到门户网站. 您将收到一封主题为“mySHAC患者门户:新消息”的电子邮件通知。. To ensure that your e-mail provider accepts these messages, make sure you enter the originating e-mail address () into your address book. 请养成阅读所有安全邮件的习惯,因为它们可能包含与您的医疗保健有关的重要和时间敏感信息.

Additional information:

流感疫苗和其他免疫接种在校园全年多次提供, beginning fall term. Check our immunization webpage for specific dates.

From the Minnesota Department of Health:

Tutorials: How to use mySHAC

Please watch the tutorial videos for more information about the mySHAC patient portal.